
Photo: Joachim Rode
04 JAN

The car will be more than just a means of transport

The Japanese automotive giant Nissan and a team of researchers from DTU Electrical Engineering have become the first in the world to make a mass-produced electric vehicle...

Transport economy Innovation and product development Climate adaptation Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Electronics
04 JAN

Electric vehicle of the future

How will electric vehicles develop? Associate Professor Esben Larsen from DTU Electrical Engineering shares his thoughts on the subject.

Electronics Energy efficiency Energy storage Electricity supply Transport economy Transport models Transport behaviour Innovation and product development Climate adaptation
Foto: Nissan
04 DEC

Bilen bliver mere end et transportmiddel

Elbiler kan dække flere behov end blot transport. Nissan har sammen med forskere fra DTU Elektro taget de første skridt i udviklingen af fremtidens elbiler.

Transport economy Innovation and product development Climate adaptation Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Electronics
Her er fremtidens energiløsninger
28 MAY

Her er fremtidens energiløsninger

I Københavns nye bydel Nordhavn vil storbylaboratoriet EnergyLab Nordhavn demonstrere, hvordan man sammentænker el og varme, energieffektive bygninger og elektrisk transport...

Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy systems Solar energy Electrical engineering Electronics
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
27 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rise from the ashes to set new world record

In spite of a burned-out engine compartment two days before race start, DTU Roadrunners managed to set a new world record in fuel efficiency at the recent Shell Eco-marathon...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology and automation Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
FOTO: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
26 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rejser sig fra asken og sætter ny verdensrekord

På trods af et udbrændt motorrum to dage før løbsstart lykkedes det DTU Roadrunners at sætte ny verdensrekord i at køre længst på literen ved det netop overståede Shell...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology and automation Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
Foto: Søren Svendsen
20 MAY

DTU wins European Championship in green driving

DTU Roadrunners took first place in the Shell Eco Marathon on Sunday afternoon with their bioethanol-powered car called Dynamo, covering an impressive 599 km on the equivalent...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology and automation Electronics Energy and supply Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
Foto: Søren Svendsen
19 MAY

DTU vinder EM i grøn bilkørsel

DTU Roadrunners løb søndag eftermiddag af med en flot førsteplads i Shell Eco Marathon. Bioethanol-bilen Dynamo, bygget af DTU-studerende, kørte 599 km på det, der svarer...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology and automation Electronics Energy and supply Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change

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4 MAY 2024